Bringing Life in a Culture of Death

Let My People Go: The Book of Exodus - Part 3


Heidi Mills

Feb. 27, 2022



Small actions, done with great love, can make all the difference. Sometimes, I’m convinced that those small actions, taken faithfully day after day, by each and every one of us, is the only thing that has ever managed to change the world, to bend the universe toward justice and righteousness.

Any action that says, “You are not alone,” is a sign of new life springing out from old ground. Any time we care for ourselves, we are breathing new life into these old bones. Any time we stand up to a person of authority and say “Enough is enough” to the culture of death, that is new life. When we work together to protect the least of these, the marginalized, the oppressed, the outsiders, the persecuted, that is a form of rebirth.

It is life springing forth from death.

Let us together become people who bring forth life, not death.


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