Delivered from False Narratives About Ourselves

Let My People Go: The Book of Exodus - Part 6


Erin Byrne

March 20, 2022



This week we're continuing our series on the Exodus, digging into what it means to think of God as a deliverer. Last week, Pastor Tonetta gave us the context that the Israelites are living as enslaved people in Egypt at the time of today's story. Many are brickmakers, building homes and temples and pyramids for the Egyptians, their oppressors. For a few chapters now, our Israelite heroes Moses and his brother Aaron have been going back and forth to the Pharaoh, the Egyptian ruler, asking him, famously, to "Let my people go." Pharaoh responds, "Who is this God, that I should heed them and let Israel go? I do not know your God, and I will not let Israel go."

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