Deliver Us From Evil

Matthew: The Lord's Prayer - Part 4


Daniel Dixon

July 14, 2024


Understanding the Lord's Prayer: A Journey Through Faith, Oppression, and Collective Liberation

In this final episode of our series on the Lord's Prayer, elder Daniel from the Table Church in DC delves into the profound significance of this age-old prayer. With co-pastors Tonetta and Anthony absent, Daniel recaps the series, emphasizing the communal and historical context of the prayer. He explores the socio-economic challenges faced by the people of Judea under Roman occupation and relates these struggles to present-day issues of poverty and oppression. Daniel discusses the duality of evil, both systemic and personal, and highlights the need for community and collective action in the fight against injustice. The episode concludes with reflections on the transformative power of prayer and the vital role of each individual in achieving collective liberation.

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