Living the Jesus Story as the Way to Peace

Romans - Part 2


Bekki Fahrer

Aug. 4, 2024


Rediscovering Romans: Embracing Unity and Peace

In this episode, we continue our deep dive into the book of Romans, focusing on Chapter 12. The conversation begins with an exploration of Proverbs 31 and its traditional interpretations, revealing the transformative power of viewing scripture through fresh perspectives. We then shift to Romans, unpacking the context in which Paul's letter was written and how it has been interpreted historically. The discussion emphasizes understanding Paul's intent to foster unity and peace within the Roman church amidst their struggles. By examining the themes of sacrifice, community, and counter-cultural living, we aim to rediscover Romans as a source of togetherness, hope, and liberation. Join us in understanding how these ancient texts can guide us toward building a community rooted in the gospel of Jesus, amid the challenges posed by the empires of our day.

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