
Generosity and Communal Economics - Part 1

Oct. 16, 2022



Sunday, October 16, 2022. Preachers Anthony Parrott and Tonetta Landis-Aina.

The Bible has plenty to say to those in the community of faith about the handling of money, possessions, and wealth. Unfortunately, churches often find themselves either being silent on the issue of money, addressing money only as it relates to giving, or speaking about money in ways that feel coercive. The goal of this sermon series is to address money, possessions, and wealth as a wider issue of discipleship – namely, in the context of the communal economics grounded in Sabbath to which we are all called.

In addition, we also want to be forthright about some of The Table’s Church’s financial needs, opportunities for investment, and overall philosophy of giving. October, November, and December are the traditional months when many organizations ramp up their giving campaigns. Moreover, the holiday season is often a time of unreflective spending and consumption for many Americans. In light of those realities, the goal of this series is to encourage deliberation about spending, giving, investing, and handling possessions in ways that, rather than being coercive, move us toward the alternative economics that we find repeatedly embedded in the biblical narratives.

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