Forgive Us Our Trepasses/Debts

Matthew: The Lord's Prayer - Part 3


Anthony Parrott

July 7, 2024


Forgiveness and Leadership in Ministry: Embracing Mercy and Compassion

In this compelling video, we explore the crucial roles of volunteers and directors in ministry, highlighting the power of forgiveness and leadership. We initiate by recognizing and praying over the new team of directors, including Caroline Norris, Jules Park, Okechi, Serena, and Lisa Hick, who are dedicated to leading various church ministries. The sermon delves into the Lord's Prayer, specifically focusing on the phrase 'forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors,' emphasizing the profound impact of forgiveness. Through the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18, the message underscores the necessity of acknowledging our own need for forgiveness and extending that same mercy to others. The discussion includes practical steps to cultivate forgiveness, insights into God's merciful nature, and the transformative power of grace in healing both individuals and communities.

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