Shift: (Re)Starting a Faith that Can Fully Bloom

In our society, every turning of the year is greeted with both excitement and anxiety. All around, folx are considering resolutions they might make toward change and words that might ground them in the new year. There is great opportunity to embrace newness but also pressure to change abruptly and in the ways that society demands rather than in ways that are counter-cultural. The goal of the first sermon series of the year is to help our congregation embrace the good news that we can grow and change but also that change – especially the changes that really matter – are usually gradual and involve grace as much as effort.. They are shifts that are about our being and our doing. They take time to absorb. They entail a process rather than a one-shot, extreme approach. Even as winter disguises the coming rebirth of spring, we can set our hearts toward the kinds of genuine newness that is grounded in the good news of Christ.


From Power to Kenosis

Philippians 2:1-10
15th January 2023